Tuesday, January 16, 2007

كتكوت البرئ وحرفوش الجرئ

انا الكتكوت البرئ , محمد اخويا الكبير "جراح مسالك حاليا" كان دايما يقولى واحنا صغيرين, يا احمد انتا غلبان وفرفور قوى عامل زى الكتكوت وأنى لازم اخربش شويه,, اما بقى انا فكنت تملى معجب بمحمد اللى هو اكبر منى بسنتين اتنين بس رغم كده كان هوا مثلى الاعلى والقدوه وكنت بحبه قوى و على طول منبهر بيه و بشخصيته و تفكيره وقتها مع انى انا ساعتها كان عندى سبع سنين و هوا تسعه ,

و بالرغم من ان الحاجات اللى هوا كان بيعملها وقتها كانت يمكن تبان طبيعيه بالنسبه لاى طفل فى السن ده . يعنى انه يتشاقى وكده ,, بس محمد كان دايما بيعجبنى قوى فيه جرأته و انه كان عنيد قوى فى السن ده,, بس عنده ده كان ساعات بيودينا احنا الاتنين فى داهيه , وعشان كده كان بيبان فى نظرى دايما عشان جراته انه قائد او زعيم روحى,, بس رغم كده كنت بستغرب جدا لما الاقى المدرسين و ناظر المدرسه بيعاملوه كأنه شخص عادى ومجرد حرفوش لا يختلف عن بقيت الحرافيش فى شئ,
بس عمرى ما اتجرأت و سألته هل انتا زعيم حيقى زى ما أنا فاكرك ولا انتا

حرفوش عادى و مافيكش اى ميزه يعنى,,
مره واحنا راجعين من المدرسه و كان فى الشتا و كان الوقت متاخر , واذا بمحمد يقترح على انه خلاص زهق من الطريق بتاع كل يوم واللى امى كانت موصيانا اننا لازم نمشى منه على طول وعالرصيف و لستة التوصيات اياها.
المهم محمد خدنى من شوارع عجيبه و اماكن عمرى ما شفتها, واذا بنا فى شارع مفيهوش صريخ ابن يومين و قلته ما بلاش الشارع ده يا محمد , بص لى كده نظرة استنكار وقاللى بسخرية اسكت يا كتكوت اسكت,, وفعلا ماكنش قدام الكتكوت غير انه يسكت

وفجأه نلاقى حوالى اربع عيال برغم من انهم كانو فى نفس سننا تقريبا,, لكنهم كانوا من اطفال الشوارع المشردين,, مشردين مشردين مش اى كلام,, نفسى افهم واد زى ده بيشرب سجاير بامارة ايه, دى السجاره الواحده اطول من رئته يعنى لو خد نفس عميق ممكن الدخان يوصل للمعده او الامعاء و يخرج من اماكن مش ظريفه والبرنس يبقى منظره زباله قدام اصدقائه المشردين
المهم طبعا العيال دول لو قعدوا يحلموا و يتمنوا ماكنش يخطر على بالهم انهم يلاقوا فريسه بالسهوله دى : كتكوت و حرفوش ,,


" انتا يا لا انتا و هوا .. الشنط على الارض و كمان الفلوس اللى معاكو"
قال احد المشردين يبدو من هيئته ووقفته انه الزعيم

فلم يلبث محمد الشجيع ان قال " ولا" !!!! هاهاهاه ه, يلا يا بابا انتا و هوا عشان متندموش

واذا بالكتكوت لا يلفظ ببنت شفه والخوف يملأ عينيه

واذا بالزعيم يقول "نندم" ,

ولم يفكر لحظه فى اصدار الامر للحوش اصحابه انهم يروقونا واذا به ايضا وشخصيا يشترك فى ترويقنا
وهنا كان لابد ان ابدى رأى واتدخل, قلته يلا يا محمد نرمى الشنط ونجرى وهما عمرهم ما هيجيبونا , انا وانتا سراع,

قالى استنى يا احمد وخليك راجل وانا عايز حد يقرب مننا, وللاسف استنيت,

و الظاهر انه الكلمه دى استفذتهم قوى واذا بهم يرنونا علقه بالشفى, العيال كانو بيضربوا بغل وبالذات محمد ,, اتطحن بمعنى الكلمه عشان هوا "أرن" كلمه عرفت بعد كده لما كبرت وعينى فتحت انها جايه من " متأرنن" معناها شايف نفسه, وكلها كام دقيقه و كنت انا ومحمد جثث هامده على الارض من غير الفلوس ولا الشنط.
المشكله الاكبر كانت فى العلقه التانيه اللى كنت ناعى هم انى امى هتديها لنا عشان مسمعناش الكلام ومشينا من طريق تانى,
المهم لما روحنا البيت كنا متشلفطين و متبهدلين بما فيه الكفايه عشان نصعب على أمى و متعاقبناش, هى بس قالت لمحمد كده يا محمد و انا اللى كنت فاكراك كبير و هتخلى بالك من اخوك احمد

كل ده مش مهم انا اللى مزعلنى قوى دلوقتى انه محمد ده زمان كان بنى ادم جميل قوى و كان عنده شخصيه قويه فى السن الصغير قوى ده وكان بيفكر و يتحدى اى حاجه, و كان زمان صاحبى قوى و قريب منى قوى,, لكن دلوقتى يا خساره مش عارف ايه اللى حصل له, بقى متردد فى كل حاجه و خايف و حزين على طول, يا خساره قوىىىىىىىىىىىى.


Anonymous said...

i'll share some story of mine i guess its kinda same to yours

a friend of mine she's my best friend now. she's not even this she's my soul mate. when i first knew her we were in (thanaweya 3amma)she was one of the top of the briliant class. teacher's pet. very poular very brave very out spoke. and so smart. funny and beautiful. she was the closet thing to perfection.
i was the very opposite of that. i was considerd as shy quite person who only stare and u cant feel that she's in the room in the first place. i was not poular and didnt want to be. i didnt answer to any teacher's question not because i didnt know the answer.. but i used to believe that questions are insulting my knowlege. so i remained silent most of the time. we didnt knew eachother as i didnt really get along with the loud crowd. i had one of my own where i was the only one in it and i didnt want anyone there. so she was the only one who caught my eye. though there was more brilliant students than her but there was something in her that payed my attention. i didnt know what was it but all i had in mind that im never like her and i used to think whey she is the way she is maybe she needs to calm down. i dont know why i used to jugde her deeds and put an eye on her. it was not jealousy but i didnt know (well i didnt feel for her so dont make this idea creep to your mind) so by the end of the year we accidently talked. i was writting some letter to a pan friend. so a common friend was reading that letter and then she came to talk to her friend she found that letter so the common friend told her about it. she asked me to read it i agreed so while she was reading she found that line i was discriing myself as "open person".. she was like "its called open minded not open".. i told her i know but i mean am open as im open to everything in life. try new things do allot of stuff. and then she moking me (YOU OPNE PERSON)..i guess you dont know urslef. they used to see me as a very shy closed to myseelf person which i was not. but thats the face they used to see. anyhow she was maaking fun that day and we all laughed and since then we knew eachother. it by bit she became the role modle of mine. in everything as i said she was closest thing to perfection. she was so religious so wise yet funny and opitimistic and independant.she was well educated well mannerd. and liked to play aswell. she bacame my hero. thats when she became my friend the last year at school we found out that we are sitting to eachother we were not close yet but thats how we got close. we were so close in no time we dont even remember. she turned my life up side down i didnt used to care that much. i turned to someone else not different from that one i used to be but i became more myself becasue of her. i didnt become her she unintentionlly inspired me to find my true dreams and make them happen. now she became the very opposite of what she used to be. in everything. i dont know how and why?.. we are still close i tried to help her but it pains me to see her this way. why people let themsleves surrender to the gravity? why do they accept their fall? what makes such good people not the way they are???!!!

Anonymous said...


ahmad hussameldin said...

itis life ya sarah,,life with itis everything, few ups and lots of downs, lots of bad and few good stuff ,
life full of contradictions not only in acts ,but aslo in feelings,which made it like awar to survive being urself,and the winner is usually still life ,iam sad about ur friend like iam sad about my brother i tried to help him alot,but doesnot work,,
when the 'heros" fall,they donot stand up that easy,
and thanx alot sarah for sharing your beautiful thoughts